I examined her today ( she was scheduled for the SRCT tomorrow a.m.) and the sinus was draining purulent material. A periapical radiograph ( straight on) showed a decent endo procedure with a bit of sealer overfill nothing overtly wrong
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I retreated the first bicuspid obturating the entire root canal system with MTA, then bonding up a composite core. Yesterday was 1 ½ years later, the patient had been in a temporary splint for the entire period (not a great situation with his caries index) The second bi has a questionable lateral radiolucency but shows extensive periapical osseous regeneration
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These teeth both tested relatively wnl to cold. I had the conversation with her about doing endo now
or waiting and only doing if needed. She wanted to do them now, so that’s what we did. Upon excavation of the caries on #2 there was a gross carious exposure of the pulp chamber. These were done as one-steps on 2 separate days
Patient presented today with 2+
mobility of crown on previous endo with post and core buildup, opposed in maxilla by full denture. As you can see in the photos, draining sinus tract exiting on buccal. Sinus tract was traced back to radioluscency on mesial aspect of radiograph
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