Friday, July 16, 2010

Leaking amalgam restoration, One piece implant case,Monitoring Lucency

Radicular cyst:Bicuspid area:Lower incisors

Endo cases by Abdul Parmar

Sergiu Nicola - Monitoring the lucency

Jorge Vera - Pain to percussion on upper molar

Keysearches on 10th June 2010

Chaniotis Antonis - Open apex with periradicular lesion

Tommie Van de Velde - Recession : 2 x CT grafting

Rafaƫl Michiels - Broken instruments

Patrick Wahl - Tooth with long roots

Mark Dreyer - Endo restorative case

Mark Dreyer - Cool distal: Fun case

Mark Dreyer - Pulp canal sealer

Mark Dreyer - Unresolved sinus tract

Maarten Meire - Leaking amalgam restoration

liviu Steier - One piece implant case

Henry Hintze - Upper case with Syncone

Henry Hintze - Severe angled implant case

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Syncone, long roots, Mandibular flex, transverse root, Slit case

Failure of the month
Upper case syncone
Mandibular flex
One piece implant
2 X CT grafting
Syncone in Maxillae
Broken instruments
Endo restorative case
Necrotic 2 step endo
Long roots
Questionable restoration
Retreat, apico follow up
Fracture and CBCT
Trauma case
Transverse root
Suggestive of Vertical root fracture
Slit case
Mandibular molar
Hopeless case
Distal root

Implant removal, Funky angulation of implant, Laser troughing

Apical anatomy
Implant removal
Fractured instrument
Funky angulation of implant
RCT Tooth #14
Laser troughing
Flabberish epithelium
Weird opacity
Buccal swelling
Keysearches 8th June 2010
Keysearches 9th June 2010
Keysearches 11th June 2010
Surgery failure
8 year old CBCT
Suspecting 2 canals

More interesting cases from

Single visit RCT
Pull this tooth
Anterior displaced disc
Sinus and probing defect
Gingival recession
Decisive points case
Pimp on the gums
Buried polished collar
CBCT mesio lingual canal
Microscope Implant surgery
Lipomatous dissection
Crown: distal margin
Dental trauma guide

More implant cases from Dental India!

Crown for implant
Flop dental implant
One more pulpitis
Multiple roots
Mesial root
Implant case of the day
Abrupt curve and hess
Apico implantectomy
Radicular resorption
Searches 12th June 2010
Two years failure case
Necrotic CPP
Mandibular fracture
Gary L Henkel cases
Venkat cases
Root canal therapy
Abdul Parmar cases
Rob Kaufmann cases
Rafael Michiels cases

More updates from Dental India site!

Rajiv Patel cases
Hidden resorption
Parulis and fistula
Sinus elevation
Mesiolingual root
Seiler evolution xR6
Seiler xR6 - Nikon 950
Ridge preservation
Apiectomy failure
Bond - Sealer and cones
Thermafil obturation
Internal resorption
Short implant
Astra implant
Broken file removal
Palatal swelling
Lateral incisor
Split tooth
Healed case
Retreatment of molar

Updates to

Newsletter dated 11th July 2010
Finding canals
Forked tongue
Tapered post
Canal stone
Mandibular incisors
Apical split
3 D implant photos
Prof Nentwig
Calcium Sulphate
Guttapercha piercing
Cleaning canals
Coronal blood
Dangerous mesial
Distal buccal

Dental India updates

Sponsor a child for education
Pain with LLR
Miracles of MTA
To squirt or not
Core distal end
Endo perio case
Surgery or implant
Silver point removal
Lateral luxation
Lesion on MB